How Dao Foods is Addressing the Challenge of Alternative Protein

Generations of environmental degradation, reliance on fossil fuels and harmful industrial emissions have us staring down the very real impacts of climate change. Not someday; now.

And the evidence is all around us.

According to a 2020 report published by The Royal Society and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, atmospheric CO2 concentrations are up more than 40% since the Industrial Revolution, with over half the increase occurring since 1970. Since 1900, the global average surface temperature has increased by about 1°C, melting Arctic sea ice, warming the oceans and causing sea levels to rise. This is leading to more dramatic weather swings around the world and a dramatic rise in events like wildfire, drought, hurricanes and more.

At Dao Foods, we believe that alternative proteins are going to be a significant part of this solution. Not only are they more sustainable, they are also scalable, enabling us to feed the growing world without relying more and more on traditional animal agriculture.

But there is another challenge in the mix – nothing that Western countries do to mitigate climate change and environmental degradation will succeed without the participation of China. We all live on the same planet, and China’s 1.4 billion people have an outsized impact on what happens worldwide.

Dao Foods is working to help make that happen.

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